Join Andrew Pudewa as he leads students on a 24-week writing journey using IEW’s Structure and Style approach. The three individual levels each contain over 24 hours of lessons with in classroom feedback from students.
I worked as part of the studio crew and full-time video editor for the Institute for Excellence in Writing.
Jonathan Renke overcomes self-doubt through the encouragement of the communities around him.
I produced, directed, and edited this video for my Multimedia Storytelling class.
Simply going out onto the streets Chicago helps these students see Student Outreach as an avenue to meet the people of the city. Those people become faces and names to develop relationships with rather than a faceless crowd to ignore.
I planned, interviewed, shot, and edited this film for a class project in 2016.
I was assigned to shoot this scene for my Cinematography class after given a rough script and setting. I decided to add a slightly more humorous take on one of the characters for the scene.
Missions Conference, the most impactful conference for MBI, chose celebrating women in ministry across the globe as the theme for the 2017 conference H.E.R. To launch the conference, myself and two others were tasked with producing a video to “hype” the crowd and set the tone for the rest of the conference.
I worked as the Director of Photography and Creativity for the project. Writing and Editing were done by two other students.
A film I wrote and produced in order to challenge myself to tell a story with only one (nearly) motionless camera. Though the experimental film has many flaws, it is the project that grew me the most as a director and as a storyteller.